Abigail Keam does it again.Madison Smythe, leading lady of the play Josiah Reynold's amateur theater group is doing, drops dead and Jo's friend Franklin Wickliffe is arrested for a charge of Murder in the First. Jo makes a panicked call to the one person she can count on to find the real killer -- her daughter, Asa. And from there, the plot carried me along and the tension never lets go till the bitter end when the killer is finally revealed.
This is a first, exploring other points of view. We get to see through Josiah's eyes but also through Asa's as the Professional carries on the real investigation. Asa is part temptress and part cold blooded investigator, but her instincts are dead on. No pun intended.
I love Keam's strong women who are anything but stereotypical. They live and breathe, and they are as real as any of us are. Everyone has a story here and everyone has a motive. And EVERYONE is lying for some reason. To watch the mother/daughter team find the answers is a pure joy. And when I tell you that the thrills never stop, I mean that in a way that gives a breather now and again, but I couldn't stop reading. I had to know. I had to find out. I hated every moment I had to spend away from this novel.
Hunter Wickliffe is fast becoming my "Boyfriend of Choice". It's nice to see Jo with an older man. I am loving following their romance.
Another 5 out of 5 stars and truly an amazing read. Well done, Mrs. Keam! Well done!
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